Summer Camp Super Hero

For years Camas Meadows has needed a camp promotional video. If Scruffy has come to your church to speak, you may have seen a slide show or a few old photos. But a video…not so much. One of our wonderful counselors, Gambit, took some great footage a few years ago. But still, the promo video did not become a reality. Until this week!

A brave and daring counselor, Shinobi, used some footage from 2013 coupled with several shots from last year. Since the rest of us had no idea what to do, he then spent a significant amount of time figuring out how to turn these images into something fun and amazing. Add some superhero music and a bit of style and we now have our own camp video. 

No longer will you have to suffer through an ancient slide show. No longer will you be required to view that picture of Scruffy in the rainbow clown wig or the photo of camp counselors dressed up in cheerleader outfits and side ponytails (unless you want to of course. I believe these historic photos are still available on the camp website). Now we have an actual video!

So sit back and enjoy the work of our very own Summer Camp Super Hero. He put his time and passion into bringing us something that just might give you a little glimpse into this thing we call camp.

Please Click Here


Boo Boo


Purple Trilliums

Purple Trilliums

I wonder if it is easy to forget God if you live in town, surrounded by the works of man. People make the houses and the streets and the businesses. Plywood and roofing metal and sheet rock, asphalt and concrete and brick. People plant the flowers and tend and water them and make it all grow and thrive with their hard work and dedication.

It seems nearly impossible to ignore the glory of God, living out here in the woods. The majestic pines and firs stretch up towards the heavens without my assistance, thick razor grass covers the forest floor without me watering it every day, wildflowers thrive in vibrant color all through the forest.

Yellow Bells

Yellow Bells


Wildflowers. Just the name says it all. No one planted them. No one tended them. No one watered them. No one but God Himself. Here they are, thriving and brilliant. Their time is short, but their beauty is timeless. May we become such as these. Trusting the caring hand of our Lord to protect us and bring out the best in us in His good time.

Bird's Nest In a Young Tamarack

Bird’s Nest In a Young Tamarack

Matthew 6:26-29–“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.”


Boo Boo