
I was in church the other day when I caught a glimpse of something amazing. Everyone got up to go to the front and get the elements for communion, including a gaggle of grandma ladies who were sitting behind us. When the congregation took their seats, I saw the grandmas shuffling along the outside aisle, holding hands to help the less steady members of their group make it back without tripping.

It is so important for us to remember to pause and help each other. It is a rough world out there and it was never The Lord’s intention that we sail those deadly waters solo. That’s what His church is, a group, clinging together and to our Lord, so that we do not stumble. This is one of the things that we try to provide at camp. A community where believers, young and old, can be refreshed and have the chance to remember that they are not alone.

Ecclesiastes 4:12–“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”


Boo Boo