It’s official! On June 19th, in a small ceremony on the meadow, Choco and Partake were married under a warm summer sun.

Choco and Partake met through camp and it was fitting that they spoke their marriage vows amidst the tall, waving grasses of the meadow just below the camp lodge. Since the Covid-19 pandemic meant a small ceremony, Choco built a scattering of wooden benches using wood rounds from our local forest and set them up in the meadow facing the aspen grove at the far end. Partake designed a log trellis which Choco built for her out of cut aspen trees. With the help of their officiant (Van Helsing) it was up and ready for their big day. Their guests, only a few close friends and family, walked the narrow path from the lodge to the meadow to enjoy the ceremony. Van Helsing, our regular Sr. High Teen Camp speaker, preformed the ceremony and Choco and Partake sealed their covenant with a kiss under a flawless expanse of blue. Guests grabbed water and soda from an antique bathtub filled with ice and wished the happy couple many years together. Of course, the camp dog ensured that everyone was finished grabbing drinks when she climbed into the antique bathtub to cool off and get a quick drink herself. It was a true Camas wedding: an excited couple who could trace their relationship back through many days spent serving at camp together, the gentle beauty of our Lord’s creation surrounding them, laughter, tears, and a few unexpected surprises. We at Camas Meadows Bible Camp would like you to join us in wishing Choco and Partake well on their journey forward together. Congratulations, ParTaco!